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Navigating the Seasonal Shift: Protecting Our Horses and Dogs Through Autumn and Winter

As we transition from the warmth of summer into the crisp days of autumn and the colder nights of winter, not only do we find our routines and wardrobes changing, but our animals experience shifts that can impact their health and well-being. Understanding these changes and preparing to support our horses and dogs through this seasonal transition is crucial in ensuring they remain healthy, happy and comfortable. The Impact of Seasonal Change on Horses and Dogs Physical Health Coat Changes Both horses and dogs develop thicker coats to combat the colder weather. This natural process requires a significant amount of energy that can put their bodies under strain. Monitor their nutrition during this time to support coat growth and overall health....

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Addressing Behavioural Issues in Horses with Herbal Remedies

Behavioural issues in horses, such as coprophagia, pica, anorexia, obesity, stall walking, and weaving, not only affect their well-being but can also pose significant challenges for owners and caretakers. These behaviours can stem from many causes, including dietary deficiencies, social changes, confinement, or lack of stimulation. While treatment strategies traditionally include adjusting diets, increasing social and physical activities, and environmental enrichment, there is a growing interest in using herbal remedies as complementary or alternative treatments. Herbal Remedies: An Overview Herbal remedies have been used for centuries in human and animal healthcare to treat many conditions. In horses, certain herbs have calming effects, support digestive health, and enhance overall well-being, potentially addressing the root causes of some behavioural issues. For Coprophagia...

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What is a locking stifle, and how does it impact the joint?

The stifle, situated at the junction of the tibia and femur in a horse, can be likened to our knees. When lifting a horse's hind leg, the joint bends forward, similar to the movement of our knees when ascending stairs. Through evolutionary adaptations, horses developed a locking mechanism in the stifle, allowing them to stand while sleeping with minimal muscular effort. However, this mechanism can lead to issues if the involved ligament fails to unlock spontaneously or locks at inappropriate times, resulting in a condition known as a locking stifle or 'upward fixation of the patella' in veterinary terms. What are the potential causes, and which horses are more susceptible? While the precise cause of locking stifles remains uncertain, conformation...

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Supporting Your Horse Through the Summer Riding Season With Herbal Remedies

The summer riding season is upon us, and with it comes lots of travelling and nights away. While this is an exciting time for the riders among us, it can be unsettling for our equine companions. Float travel, a heightened training schedule, nights in unfamiliar surroundings and the general hype of the season can leave our horse's anxiety levels rise; this is where our herbal calming remedies can offer some much-needed support. It's important to note that herbs like Vervain, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Dandelion, and Devil's Claw are all banned substances in the context of the NZ competition circuit. There must be no trace in your horse's system when eventing. Fortunately, you can administer these remedies up to 48 hours...

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Keep Your Pooch Cool This summer.

PREVENT YOUR FURRY FRIEND FROM OVERHEATING If the predictions are correct, we're in for a long, hot summer here in NZ. It's about time, you might say! However, while hot summer days are a pleasure for many of us, they can be long, enduring, and sometimes dangerous for our canine companions. As we look forward to the sunny season, we must remember that our furry friends have different needs when dealing with the heat. Here, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to ensuring your dog's summer is not only fun but also safe. Whew, it’s getting hot. But we humans are not the only ones that feel the effects of summer’s heat. Our furry friends feel it too. We...

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