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Herbs that Boost Your Animal’s Immune System and Protect Against Allergy Suffering

Herbs can play a vital role in boosting the immune system and strengthening animals against allergy suffering. Just like humans, animals can suffer from weakened immune systems and allergies, making them susceptible to various health issues. However, incorporating certain herbs into their diet can provide a natural and effective way to enhance their immune response and alleviate allergic reactions. Echinacea One of the most commonly used herbs for boosting the immune system in animals is echinacea. This herb is known for its immune-stimulating properties, helping to increase the production of white blood cells that defend against infections and allergens. Echinacea can be administered to animals in the form of capsules, tinctures, or added to their food. It not only strengthens...

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Protecting Your Horse from Wind Chill

Wind chill can significantly impact horses, particularly when they're exposed to cool and windy weather conditions. The wind chill is measured by how cold it feels outside when the temperature and wind speed are combined. It can cause a horse's body temperature to drop quickly, leading to potential health issues. Horses have a natural ability to keep themselves warm in cold weather. But when the wind is blowing, it can disrupt this function. This is because wind removes the layer of warm air surrounding their body and can cause heat to be lost much more rapidly. When this happens, they may experience hypothermia. Signs include shivering, lethargy, and a decrease in appetite. Seek veterinary care immediately if your horse displays...

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How to Care for Horses During a Flood

Flooding can create numerous issues when caring for horses. Skin conditions, injuries, and contaminated food and water are among them. Extreme weather events, flooding and storms can cause a horse to become stressed. In this instance, it is best to move them to higher ground where there is better drainage and keep their routine as close as possible to normal. Ensure they have access to clean water and shelter, and their feed remains dry. Pasture and Paddocks Flooding and mudding paddocks can pose injury hazards for a horse. If they get stuck, they are at risk of pulling a tendon or fracturing a limb. After heavy rain, check for significant damage or debris lying in paddocks. Things like fencing (wires...

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Keep Your Pooch Cool This Summer.

PREVENT YOUR FURRY FRIEND FROM OVERHEATING Whew, it’s getting hot. But we humans are not the only ones that feel the effects of summer’s heat. Our furry friends feel it too. We love to get outside with the family when the sun is shining. Don’t forget that your pet is carrying around a permanent fur coat, so they can easily suffer from heat exhaustion. Prevent that from happening with these tips to keep your dog cool this summer Know the Signs The first step is to recognise the signs that your pet is overheating. The first indicator is panting; this is an animal’s natural attempt to cool itself down. But, if they are in an enclosed area like a car,...

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